Creating the Death Corn Logo

Creating the Death Corn Logo

Jen Martin | April 30

  In paid collaboration with Chase



When creating the Death Corn logo, we wanted a visual that would allow customers to easily identify not only the product but our company as well. Kind of a tricky task, right?... Mission: Come up with a totally new design, while still preserving the look and feel of the Pipcorn brand (enough so, that Pip Fans would make the connection between this new Death Corn product and Pipcorn). We needed a logo that was descriptive and could tell a story on its own.

Combining visuals: The skull you see on the Death Corn logo is truly far more than just a skull. Maybe an oversite at first glance, but the visual representation of the skull is actually constructed from a piece of popcorn! And to be exact, it's not just any piece of popcorn, it is a piece that was popped in Death Valley- now isn't that something!

To incorporate the Death Valley charm, elements such as the dry/cracked terrain, intense heat, golden sun rays and the iconic animal skull were combined to shape the image you see today!

The "Pip" from the original Pipcorn logo was removed, and the new Death Corn typography was born (almost)! Although a slightly different font than the standard Pipcorn Logo, the narrow letters, and sans serif style makes the two types almost identical.

Let us know what you think about our new Death Valley Corn logo in the comments below! 

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We are a family business who started with a kernel of an idea: We called it Pip, and it continues to exceed our greatest expectations. 

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